
Meeting Point Sarajevo

Austria - Bosnia & Herzegovina cooperation project - GrazMuseum, Gotische Halle

Meeting Point Sarajevo
Meeting Point Sarajevo

Julia Bauernfeind / Anna Baumann /
Gerhard Flekatsch / Christine Kertz /
Peter Purgar / Armin W. Nimra-Ruckerbauer

Danis Fejzic / Boris Hodak / Emir Osmic /
Ermina Resic / Branka Turkic / Jure Cekuta
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Curator: Dr.in Edith

Opening of the exhibition:
"Meeting Point Sarajevo"
September 2nd 2014, 19:00 o'clock
Gotische Halle
Sackstrasse 18, 8010 Graz

Welcoming: Honorary Consul Mag. Dr. Jörg Hofreiter
Introduction speech about the exhibition: Dr.in Edith
Risse / Art Historian
Music: Eva Ursprung

Exhibition period: 3. to 10. 9. 2014.
Open: Wed to Mon 10 - 17 o'clock, Tuesday closed
admission free

Organization: Christine Kertz / Styria-Sarajevo-Artconnection
and Sarajevska Tribina / BiH

Austria - Bosnia & Herzegovina cooperation project

Austria - Bosnia & Herzegovina cooperation project


PHOTO by Peter Purgar - Vernissage "Meeting Point Sarajevo":